Holistic hedging of institutional portfolios
Our risk overlay strategy is a progressive risk management concept designed to reduce volatility and risk within your portfolio while optimising potential returns.
Managing portfolio risk can be a challenge in today’s complex and fast-moving financial landscape. Our strategy offers a systematic approach that combines quantitative analysis techniques with portfolio management practices to manage risks effectively.
As well as providing a hedging mechanism against market fluctuations, the risk overlay strategy is an essential component of an integrated investment strategy, offering customised solutions that take into account the specific risk tolerances and return targets of each investor.
We invite you to have a conversation with us to learn more about the benefits and applications of our risk overlay strategy, and are always on hand to help if you have any queries or need any advice. Our aim is to help you implement an effective and efficient risk management strategy tailored to your individual needs.
with considerable experience in the Alternative Solutions portfolio management team
in proprietary databases from the basis for investment decisions and risk monitoring
in Alternative Solutions – as a pioneer for asymmetric concepts and alternative sources of return in Germany
Lupus alpha has been managing individual risk overlays for institutional investors since 2016. In doing so, the team also draws on the experience gained from managing value protection strategies since 2003:
Holistic coverage of individual risks
Expand the boundaries of diversification
"Win by losing less"
IT systems:
Proprietary databases for volatility strategy analysis and simulation
Team Approach:
Large and experienced management and research team with more than 15 experts
Methodically secure risk management. Fully controlled trading processes
Analysis Strength:
Own Quantitative Analysis Team
Structures and processes:
Geared towards the requirements of liquid alternative investment
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We take performance personally
With us, investors know which experienced, skilled fund manager is responsible for the performance of each fund.