Diverse Alpha sources and limited risk
Convertible bonds are hybrid securities. They combine the strengths of two asset classes and are essentially bonds with an equity call option. They are debentures with a fixed interest rate that can be converted into equities within a specified period at a pre-set rate. One key feature of convertible bonds is that they are more reactive to rising share prices than to negative trends. This asymmetric risk/return profile (convexity) offers investors the opportunity to participate in upside potential on the equity markets while limiting possible losses due to its bond-like nature.
They offer investors multiple alpha sources. The various performance drivers include price trends in the underlying equity, the coupon and the credit spread (difference in yield compared to a risk-free bond with the same maturity) and structural features such as contractual safeguard clauses against capital dilution or takeover. Alongside an investment in blue chips, they also provide access to smaller and medium-sized companies that are under-represented in the bond market and thus offer additional diversification.
... for global convertible bonds, the sustainability variant awarded the FNG seal
... in all the convertible bond portfolios that the team has managed to date
Mio EUR volume under managment
... in institutional accounts and in mutual funds
Bonds with equity opportunities
Convex participation in the equity markets - more upside opportunity than downside risk
Global market with great diversity of companies and industries
Combination of equity potential and bond stability with attractive interest coupons
Convertible bonds only:
No investment in synthetic securities or off-type risks
Active management:
Managing equity sensitivity in the overall portfolio
On high-growth underlying stocks with good bond quality.
Clean slate:
Team has never had a loan default in its portfolios
Team approach:
Close integration of portfolio management and research
Strategy variant with ESG criteria and SDG contribution
We take performance personally
With us, investors know which experienced, skilled fund manager is responsible for the performance of each fund.